2019 ALL Paintings/Drawings Art Winners
Robert Weiss for "Warren Street Winter"
Judges Choice
Nga Pham for "Morning at West Lake"
Gallery Choice
Dimitrina Kutriansky for "Quiet Contemplation"
First Place
Lee Kwong Tim for "Ready to Go"
Second Place
Guglielmo Botter for "Washington, DC: The Old Post Office Building"
Third Place
Kadira Jennings for "Star of Ishtar"
Fourth Place
Tina Stoffel for “Mystery Ship”
Fifth Place
Kathy Copsey for “Can You Feel My Soul”
Sixth Place
Linda Siegel for “Pumpkin Patch”
Seventh Place
Polina Isurin for “Library of Memories”
Eight Place
Brigit Kalkofen for “Abstract Young Couple”
Ninth Place
Shara Vilagi for”Untitled”
Tenth Place
Tomas Urvizo “Back to the 50’s”
Honorable Recognition to Radka Fileva for “My Daughter Marina:
Honorable Recognition to Hanna Supetran for “Emancipation”
Honorable Recognition to Tim Grant for “Bass Harbor”